Harmony Acupuncture utilizes the Five Elemental Theory Method to treat imbalances which naturally occur within our body. These imbalances may occur as a result of excess emotion ( Fear, Anger, Thinking, Sadness, and Happiness ), physical trauma, or inherent sicknesses. The five elements of Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, and Wood correspond with the above emotions and various areas of our body. Each element has a unique
relationship with one another. To give an example, fire corresponds with anger, which also corresponds with the heart. Fire evaporates water. Water corresponds with the Kidneys. Therefore, if the fire element in our body is not in balance, the Kidneys will be affected.
By taking the pulses, one can detect which element is not balanced. This method is done by comparing the pulse intensity of both wrists. Once the element is detected, acupuncture is used to help harmonize the lement. Each energy channel in the body corresponds with each of the Five Elements as well. Therefore, points on the Heart Channel can help harmonize the Fire element, etc. etc. With this acupuncture method, only 1-5 points are utilized. Actually, with the insertion of just one needle, we can already harmonize the element.
The other points simply assist the first insertion. Harmonizing the Five Elements in our body helps with all types of illness. The concept is to harmonize as strengthen the body in order to help our body itself recover from illness. When the Five Elements are flowing in Harmony within our body, our spirit is also calm and sturdy. Simply stated, inner harmony is our focus.
relationship with one another. To give an example, fire corresponds with anger, which also corresponds with the heart. Fire evaporates water. Water corresponds with the Kidneys. Therefore, if the fire element in our body is not in balance, the Kidneys will be affected.
By taking the pulses, one can detect which element is not balanced. This method is done by comparing the pulse intensity of both wrists. Once the element is detected, acupuncture is used to help harmonize the lement. Each energy channel in the body corresponds with each of the Five Elements as well. Therefore, points on the Heart Channel can help harmonize the Fire element, etc. etc. With this acupuncture method, only 1-5 points are utilized. Actually, with the insertion of just one needle, we can already harmonize the element.
The other points simply assist the first insertion. Harmonizing the Five Elements in our body helps with all types of illness. The concept is to harmonize as strengthen the body in order to help our body itself recover from illness. When the Five Elements are flowing in Harmony within our body, our spirit is also calm and sturdy. Simply stated, inner harmony is our focus.