Oriental Orthopedic Medicine
In our clinic we practice a form of Oriental Medicine called Tuina which is translated in English as, Pushing and Pulling". This method is used in combination with acupuncture in order to treat muscle and bone related disorders. Tuina is a combination of ancient massage techniques which date back to as early as the Shang Dynasty in China (16th - 11th century B.C.) Tuina is used to enhance blood flow to the affected area of muscle and/or bone. Common disorders treated with Tuina are spinal and joint injuries including arthritis.
The effects of acupuncuture and Tuina combined doubles the effectiveness of treatment. There are several Tuina techniques that can also be practiced on one's own. After the treatment is concluded, the patient is usually taught how to perform a technique or two on their own.
The effects of acupuncuture and Tuina combined doubles the effectiveness of treatment. There are several Tuina techniques that can also be practiced on one's own. After the treatment is concluded, the patient is usually taught how to perform a technique or two on their own.