Cancer Therapy
What is the source of cancer from an Oriental Medical Prospective?
All sickness is referred to as “blockage“ or “stagnation“ according to Oriental Medicine. Cancer, in Chinese is “jong-yang“ or “am“, meaning long term blockage leading to accumulation.. This type of accumulation can exist for several different reasons, such as physical or mental trauma. Trauma
has negative effects on our internal energy flow. If trauma is addressed immediately, the smooth flow of energy can be re-established easier. If sickness is disregarded, treated incorrectly, or incompletely, the blockage of energy becomes an accumulation. One type of internal accumulation that occurs is tumor growth.
How long has Oriental Medicine been treating Cancer?
Identification and treatment of cancer is mentioned in a book entitled “Huang Di Nei Jing” which dates back appx. 5000 years ago. Later on, more elicit treatment was developed in the 11th century by a group of physicians called “Tumor Doctors“. Many of these teaching are still used today.
Which methods are used to treat cancer in Oriental Medicine?
Oriental Medicine utilizes a technique called “Fu Zhen Pei Ben” in treating cancer. “Fu Zhen” means, “supporting the body’s natural defences”. “Pei Ben” means, “addressing the source of the cancerous growth”. Oriental Medicine focuses on strengthening the body’s immune system in order to fight off
sickness. Only when the body’s immune system is compromised can cancer enter into the body. Once the system’s own natural defense is supported, it will be able to counteract the cancer much more effectively.
The use of Acupuncture & Herbs to treat cancer
Acupuncture and herbal treatment is used to strengthen the body’s natural functions. Depending on the individual and situation, both methods may be used either simultaneously or individually. Acupuncture is a method in which hair thin needles are inserted into energy pathways within the body. These energy pathways are stimulated to enhance and harmonize energy flow. Herbs are ingested through the digestive system and therefore get absorbed into the blood stream. Each herbal formula is unique to the individual based on their needs.
Does it matter which stage of cancer I am in?
Treatment has slightly different approaches depending on the stage of cancer. In the early stages of cancer, treatment is focused mostly on assisting the body’s ability to fight cancer. In the later stages of cancer, treatment is focused on enhancing the quality of life by supporting the body’s natural processes and reducing pain if it exists. In many cases, both approached are combined to some extent.
What if I am undergoing chemo/radiation therapy?
Extensive research in both Korea and China have shown that the combination of herbal treatments with chemotherapy help the body fight cancer with significantly better results. While chemo/radiotherapy focuses on killing cancer cells, Oriental Medicine focuses on treating common side effects such as
indigestion, anemia, fatigue, bowel disharmony, etc. Oriental Medicine also helps assist chemotherapy by supporting the body’s immune system and avoiding the loss of the body’s own cells.
Can Oriental Medicine treat other complications associated with Cancer?
Oriental Medicine is a “Whole”istic medicine. In other words, focus is not simply on the cancer. After a detailed analysis of the body’s health state, treatment will be focused on establishing inner harmony. We can only feel healthy when the entire body is functioning in unity and flowing smoothly. In many cases, cancer may be directly related to other symptoms which seem unrelated. Oriental Medical treatment takes the whole system into consideration.
All sickness is referred to as “blockage“ or “stagnation“ according to Oriental Medicine. Cancer, in Chinese is “jong-yang“ or “am“, meaning long term blockage leading to accumulation.. This type of accumulation can exist for several different reasons, such as physical or mental trauma. Trauma
has negative effects on our internal energy flow. If trauma is addressed immediately, the smooth flow of energy can be re-established easier. If sickness is disregarded, treated incorrectly, or incompletely, the blockage of energy becomes an accumulation. One type of internal accumulation that occurs is tumor growth.
How long has Oriental Medicine been treating Cancer?
Identification and treatment of cancer is mentioned in a book entitled “Huang Di Nei Jing” which dates back appx. 5000 years ago. Later on, more elicit treatment was developed in the 11th century by a group of physicians called “Tumor Doctors“. Many of these teaching are still used today.
Which methods are used to treat cancer in Oriental Medicine?
Oriental Medicine utilizes a technique called “Fu Zhen Pei Ben” in treating cancer. “Fu Zhen” means, “supporting the body’s natural defences”. “Pei Ben” means, “addressing the source of the cancerous growth”. Oriental Medicine focuses on strengthening the body’s immune system in order to fight off
sickness. Only when the body’s immune system is compromised can cancer enter into the body. Once the system’s own natural defense is supported, it will be able to counteract the cancer much more effectively.
The use of Acupuncture & Herbs to treat cancer
Acupuncture and herbal treatment is used to strengthen the body’s natural functions. Depending on the individual and situation, both methods may be used either simultaneously or individually. Acupuncture is a method in which hair thin needles are inserted into energy pathways within the body. These energy pathways are stimulated to enhance and harmonize energy flow. Herbs are ingested through the digestive system and therefore get absorbed into the blood stream. Each herbal formula is unique to the individual based on their needs.
Does it matter which stage of cancer I am in?
Treatment has slightly different approaches depending on the stage of cancer. In the early stages of cancer, treatment is focused mostly on assisting the body’s ability to fight cancer. In the later stages of cancer, treatment is focused on enhancing the quality of life by supporting the body’s natural processes and reducing pain if it exists. In many cases, both approached are combined to some extent.
What if I am undergoing chemo/radiation therapy?
Extensive research in both Korea and China have shown that the combination of herbal treatments with chemotherapy help the body fight cancer with significantly better results. While chemo/radiotherapy focuses on killing cancer cells, Oriental Medicine focuses on treating common side effects such as
indigestion, anemia, fatigue, bowel disharmony, etc. Oriental Medicine also helps assist chemotherapy by supporting the body’s immune system and avoiding the loss of the body’s own cells.
Can Oriental Medicine treat other complications associated with Cancer?
Oriental Medicine is a “Whole”istic medicine. In other words, focus is not simply on the cancer. After a detailed analysis of the body’s health state, treatment will be focused on establishing inner harmony. We can only feel healthy when the entire body is functioning in unity and flowing smoothly. In many cases, cancer may be directly related to other symptoms which seem unrelated. Oriental Medical treatment takes the whole system into consideration.